
INFO Day in Albania: the Role of Academia and SMEs in Advancing the Circular Economy

September 27, 2024 Albania
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On Friday, September 27, 2024, Co-PLAN hosted an important event within the framework of the CROSS-REIS project. The INFO Day served as an opportunity to present the project’s objectives and activities to a wider audience, including academics, policymakers, and the general public, while fostering deeper dialogue on the regenerative economy. One of the event's key components was the roundtable titled "Bridging the Gap: Challenges and Opportunities in Advancing Circular Economy for SMEs and Academia in Albania".

During the roundtable, panellists explored the challenges faced by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and academia in adopting circular economy practices. These challenges include limited resources, regulatory barriers, and a lack of awareness. Kejt Dhrami, a researcher at Co-PLAN and moderator of the roundtable, led the discussion with key insights from prominent panellists, including:
  ●   Marsela Robo, Director at the National Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation (NASRI);
  ●   Merita Toska, Vice Rector for Academic Process at Polis University;
  ●   Valbona Koçi, Advisor for Quadruple Helix Approach Promotion at EU4Innovation;
  ●   Edvin Zhllima, Researcher at DSA and Professor at the Agriculture University of Tirana;
  ●   Jona Haxhialiu, Advisor on Circular Economy & Private Sector Engagement at EU 4 Circular Economy and Livable Cities.

The discussions emphasised the need for a multi-stakeholder approach, involving businesses, academic institutions, and government entities, to drive the country towards sustainable economic models. The event concluded with a Q&A session, followed by a presentation of future activities within the CROSS-REIS project. Fiona Imami, a researcher at Co-PLAN, highlighted upcoming events that will further promote the project’s goals and expand the network’s impact across Europe.

With 25 participants from various sectors, including governmental entities, NGOs, research institutions, businesses, and the media, the INFO Day successfully sparked discussions around the intersection of research, innovation, and practical application in advancing a circular economy.
